Restructuring internet use patterns


A chatet egyre inkább felváltja az online telefonálás. Az internetezők közel fele alkalmanként, 25 százaléka pedig rendszeresen hívja fel ismerőseit a világhálón keresztül – derült ki az NRC és a TNS VMR2007 első félévére vonatkozó felméréséből.

Átalakulnak az internetezési szokások, a hagyományos tevékenységek: e-mailezés, böngészés, informálódás, online magazinok olvasása – mellett egyre többen fedezik fel maguknak a világháló egyéb, hasznos vagy szórakoztató funkcióit – derült ki az NRC és a TNS 2007 első félévére vonatkozó kutatásából.

In addition to traditional internet activities - emailing, browsing, finding information, reading online magazines - an increasing proportion of internet users are using the various useful or even entertaining features of the internet. 61% of 14-69 year olds who use the internet at least weekly have used the web to look for a job, and 30% have used the internet for official business. The proportion of people doing their finances online has not increased in six months - currently 27% (36% of those with a current account), around 600,000 people, use this option, but another 200,000 are thinking of switching to online banking soon.

Chat is increasingly being replaced by online telephony - nearly half of internet users use voice over the internet, 25% of them regularly. Blogs are also rapidly growing in popularity: 47% read blogs, although the proportion of regular readers is still only 7% - 9% of people have their own blog and one in three bloggers regularly keep a blog.

One in two internet users visit a video-sharing site at least occasionally - and 14% have uploaded a video to the internet at least once. The proportion of people who listen to the radio and watch TV online is also steadily increasing: 55% listen to the radio online, 11% regularly; 29% have tried watching TV online, although the proportion of regular online TV watchers is now only 2%.


It's no news that nine out of ten internet users use the web to gather information before making a purchase - before making a major purchase decision, they check out the websites of manufacturers and distributors, price comparison websites or even customer forums where consumers of products and services can share their positive or negative experiences.

53% of internet users have tried online shopping - but only one in three of all internet users order goods and services online with more or less regularity. A quarter of Internet users have participated in an online auction and 12% have made a purchase. However, online payments have only been used by a small proportion of Internet users for years: in 2007, 11% had paid online using their credit card number. In addition to fears about online payments, the low proportion is also explained by the fact that less than 30% of internet users have a bank card that can be used for online payments.


NRC 2007 August


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