Let's talk!

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We can help you make market research a quick return on your investment!
My areas of expertise

Presentations at companies and professional conferences

I regularly give presentations on industry trends, research findings, customer experience and market research methods.

CX and customer experience research

As a customer experience expert, I provide data-driven support to help companies develop customer-centric processes.

Service Design, Co-Creation development

I also support service and process development as a facilitator and analyst supporting corporate teams.

Professional experience

As a sociologist, I have been working in the field of market research for more than 25 years and I have been running NRC, Hungary's first online research company, for more than 23 years. Many people ask what NRC stands for, so I'll tell you now: Net Research Center, which I founded with two friends in September 1999, when internet penetration was still in the single digits.

In the past years, besides market research, I have gained a lot of experience in software development, service design, CX-focused customer experience research, workshop facilitation and as these are my love projects, I am happy to help large domestic companies in their data-driven service and product development work.

In the last 25 years, we have pioneered many things in online market research, but it is not our solutions and our results that I am most proud of, but my old and new colleagues, the people we work with every day, together with our clients, to create better and simpler services and products for the Hungarian population.

Me, that's why I love this profession, that's why I love being an NRC.

Professional articles
Új kollégát keresünk: piackutatási projektkoordinátor, online kérdőívszerkesztő

Adatelemző, piackutató

Magyarország legnagyobb online piackutató cége, az NRC keresi piackutató, adatelemző kollégáját!  Munkakörhöz tartozó feladatok: Akkor jelentkezz, ha  Előnyt jelent: És mit kínálunk cserébe?  Céginformáció: Az

A piackutatás 2024-es trendjei

A piackutatás 2024-es trendjei

Piackutatás 2024. Mega-, és mikrotrendek, szakértői beszélgetés Falus Tamással és Géczi Tamással a piackutatás jelenéről és jövőjéről az NRC friss podcastjében.