Hurray, we were on holiday...


True, only four in ten Hungarian internet users could say the same in 2013: this summer, 41% of the 18-75 year old internet-using population spent at least one night away from home for leisure. The overwhelming majority of summer holidaymakers spent their summer holidays in Hungary, while one in ten internet users spent their holidays abroad. Croatia is the most popular destination abroad, but not far behind Austria and Italy.

Internet users are also more likely to stay online while on holiday, with nearly three quarters of them also going online while on holiday. Internet café browsing is a thing of the past - only 3% used an internet café during their holiday - but the use of internet points in accommodation is also relatively low (13%). The majority (63%) take an internet-enabled device on holiday and use the internet via a wifi connection on their phone, laptop, notebook or even tablet, while the majority refrain from using mobile internet on their smartphone.

For a quarter of online travellers, browsing the web is relaxing in itself, but for the majority of holidaymakers, the internet is an important tool not only during their trip but also before they start. Most people used the internet to find information about their chosen destination, plan their itinerary and search for accommodation while on holiday, but a relatively high proportion also booked their accommodation or paid for their holiday online. One in four holidaymakers used the internet to maintain social contacts during their trip, and the same proportion felt that the experience of travelling was sweeter if they could share it with others in the form of posts on social networking sites.

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