Six typical careers in Hungary

There is no longer a universal set of values: the Hungarian population typically lives its life according to six different models, according to a unique life path segmentation study conducted by NRC on behalf of Groupama in August 2016. The insurer presented the results in an unusual one-day exhibition. At the event, Imre Kurucz, NRC's Research Director, said that the six models were named traditional, wealthless, couples, intellectual, builder and idealist life paths.Traditional and wealthless life paths differ only in terms of material opportunities, but both are more specific to the older generation and are life models that have been around for decades. The intellectual path means later completion of studies, later marriage, having children, but better financial opportunities. The couples' life arc is the path of today's thirty-somethings, which involves moving in together early and creating a joint existence. And the building type builds up a reserve for their goals very early, but at the same time, the time for major life events is extended for them:Today's young people start self-care 10 years earlier than their parents

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