Playgrounds are going digital


Hiánypótló felmérést végzett az NRC Piackutató, amikor megvizsgálta a gyerekek internetezési szokásait. A VMRkids 2007 kutatás eredményeiből többek közt kiderült, hogy már a 6 évnél fiatalabbak is interneteznek – elsősorban játékra használják a világhálót.

NRC Market Research, in cooperation with the children and family portal, surveyed the internet usage habits of people under 15 between July and September 2007. A similar survey has not been carried out in Hungary before.

The results of the survey of 2,500 children who use the internet show that while more than half of 11-14 year olds have been using the internet for years, two thirds of 7-10 year olds started using the internet in the last year and 55% of children younger than that have used the internet in the last few months. This indicates that children start using the internet relatively early, typically under the age of 10.

"The aim of VMRkids is to learn about children's internet habits. The research, carried out for the first time this year, showed that many very young children under the age of 6 are also active users of the internet. This not only raises new questions and opportunities for the advertising market, but could also put Internet safety software, such as parental control tools, in the spotlight," says Imre Kurucz, NRC Research Director.

Most people play

According to VMRkids 2007, children are most likely to play online. Of children aged 6 and under who use the internet, 80% play games, 71% visit children's sites and 56% listen to and watch stories online.


The majority of 7-10 year olds - 96% - also mainly play online, but 49% also use email. And among 11-14 year olds, 81 per cent use email, but the majority - 92 per cent - still play online.


Most children are not allowed to surf the web freely because their parents control and restrict their internet use. However, while four out of five children under the age of 6 can only surf the internet with parental supervision, only 44% of 11-14 year olds are restricted and 79% are most often alone. In addition, 19 per cent of 7-10 year olds and 51 per cent of 11-14 year olds think they are more computer literate than their parents.

The future generation, the consumers of today

The NRC research also found that one in two children who use the internet have clicked on an online advertisement, and more than half of school-age children also visit websites in a foreign language. In addition, 32% of 7-10 year olds and 63% of 11-14 year olds use the internet for schoolwork. The older ones also chat: 66% of 11-14 year olds now "chat" online.

The VMRkids survey questionnaire was completed by children under parental supervision, mostly at home, so the results provide information on the internet use and consumption habits of children with internet access at home, as well as their advertising habits. The survey was supported by prizes offered by Microsoft, Logitech, Stabilo, UHU, Tessloff Babilon and Kolping Hotel. A study detailing the VMRkids 2007 results is available to order from the NRC Market Research website.

29/10/2007 NRC Market Research

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