NRC news

Research on housing savings banks 2023

In the autumn of 2018, the state subsidy on housing savings deposits was abolished in one fell swoop, which, according to our research, was the main attraction of the product, effectively ensuring that the deposit part had any

How often do we chat?


A chatprogramok szerves részét képezik a mindennapoknak A 18-65 év közötti hazai lakosság 90%-a használ valamilyen chatprogramot/applikációt, közel felük napi rendszerességgel chatel. A legaktívabb chathasználók a fiatalok:

CX trends 2023|

Customer Experience and CX Trends 2023

Yesterday, I was invited by CXPA Hungary to give a presentation on customer experience trends and customer expectations in 2023, from which I prepared an article summarising international trends. For those who

88% Internet penetration in Hungary

The online world is undergoing significant changes that are affecting society and businesses. Internet penetration in Hungary was only 12% in 2000, but the

Market Research Trends 2023

Market Research Trends 2023

It's almost the end of the year and at this time we not only take stock of the past year, but also look ahead to the coming year, plan for the future and