
az ajánlatkérést, kollégánk hamarosan felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot.

Friss híreink

Research on housing savings banks 2023

In the autumn of 2018, the state subsidy on housing savings deposits was abolished in one fell swoop, which, according to our research, was the main attraction of the product, effectively ensuring that the deposit part had any

How do service designers and facilitators grow in Hungary?

Csernátony Fannival és Barna Mátéval a MOME oktatóival és hamarosan induló Service Design egyetemi képzés vezetőivel beszélgetve jártuk körbe Service Designnal kapcsolatos legtöbbször elhangzó kérdéseket.

Things are heating up - facts and figures on OpenAI

Just another hype? We have experience, and at the NRC we pay particular attention, to the fact that technological changes that are emerging at an ever faster pace and affecting our lives are immediately

Qualitative research and the digital world

We had a very good chat with Dr. Ádám Babocsay, psychologist and qualitative researcher: join us, listen to us! The new era of qualitative research: online conquest, COVID effects and